Sunday 8 July 2007

Peaceful lunch in the sun

It only took me about 3 month until the last set of my stuff was transported from Ethan's to Kennington.
As weather was brilliant, Ethan and David had decided to go for a quick trip to have lunch in the sun in Chelmsford and I joined. And there she was - the grand example of great Britishness - Mrs. McGregor! Mrs. McGregor approached us with her lovely drunken crow voice and a request to buy a fag. Our answer of not having any did not please her. As gracefully as one sad human being can be, she lingered around our table and tried to form a sentence from random words. Politenesses were exchanged, promises to break noses and nice trips to ever so lovely "F**k off land" were on the offer too.
Funny enough, it didn't really ruin the lunch but actually added some thrill and entertainment to the day.
Loonies rule!

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